For Volunteers

Testimonials from Clinical Mentor Volunteers
“I got back as much as I gained from this experience. I left with a major appreciation of the nurses in South Africa and a sense of how spoiled we are in the United States! I think any health care provider who can should contribute to the training of our colleagues in developing areas. Though I missed direct patient care, I leave with a sense that I had an impact that will be perpetuated with patients who come into care long after I have left.”
Kathleen Wolff, MSN, CRNP, MSW
South Africa Clinical Mentor Volunteer
“Thanks for the opportunity to use some of my skills in a meaningful way. You are doing great work and I am proud to be a small part of an important quest.”
Bjorn W. Nilson, MD, MPH, FAAP
Nepal Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"This trip to Ethiopia has been a moving experience for me. I never thought that I would be so inspired by these people. It was easy to work with the local providers because they were very intelligent and eager to learn about HIV care. They were not afraid to ask for our help. They saw us as colleagues, not as people who wanted to impose our Western beliefs on them. They have touched my heart."
Carmel Hippias, CPNP
Ethiopia Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"This has been the most awesome experience in my life! I will never forget this. The effect on my private practice in the US is significant. I look at HIV care so differently now…. I also finally understand that the HIV epidemic can never be contained unless all of us (HIV physicians) will contribute. If we all do contribute, we really can make a dent into the epidemic."
Richard Kaufmann, MD
Cambodia Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"Things are going exceptionally well at the clinic in Vietnam and I am ecstatic about being here at the ground level and helping put things together."
Steve Klotz, MD
Vietnam Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"The local nurses are doing well and learning quickly about HIV and the treatments. They are very attentive at our morning teaching sessions, when I show them power point slides on my computer. I am LOVING Mafeteng! Thank you so much for this opportunity."
Brenda L. Done, RN, ACRN
Lesotho Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"For a long time to come I shall reflect on the insights gained on being a clinical mentor in a resource-constrained setting. Just out of fellowship, at the beginning of my professional career, I discovered a new kind of satisfaction that doesn't stem directly from monetary compensation or academic advancement. Worthwhile ends these may be, in the light of my African journey, I see them instead as means which can have a powerful impact in the proper setting. Will I return to Ethiopia one day? You bet!!"
Michael Mancenido, DO
Ethiopia Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"I haven’t seen patients like this since I worked at NYU Hospital back in 1989 and the early 90s. Intellectually I knew what to expect – but it was something else to see people and hear their stories."
Jennifer Innis, RN, MA
Vietnam Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"Being part of the initial process of making antiretroviral treatment available in a small Cambodian province is very interesting for many reasons but it also has its painful side: feeling so close the strong suffering of so many patients, suffering caused by a disease for which treatment has been available for decades in the developed world. But due to having the unfortunate luck of having been born in poverty or in a country with severe economic limitations, these human beings continue to suffer and die hopelessly, leaving behind all their loved ones. The sensation that I have felt in providing something better for the victims of this world is so incredible – and ironically – I don’t believe that this feeling could ever be "bought" by any amount of money anywhere. Even participating in ICEHA’s program for a relatively short period (three months), my experience will have a lasting effect on my own future for decades to come. It has given me a feeling of power to make this a less unjust and unequal world. We don’t have to wait for our leaders to make this planet a better place to live but are able to construct it in our daily lives, in our relationships, in our future."
Marcio Fonseca, MD
Cambodia Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"The staff at both St. James Hospital and Paray Hospital gave us a farewell party during which many touching speeches were given. In a very short period of time, HIV testing and treatment improved drastically. More importantly, the healthcare workers' attitudes toward HIV testing and treatment were noticeably different by the end of our stay here which is what I believe will help sustain delivery of proper HIV patient care. There are wonderful, enthusiastic and dedicated healthcare workers here that are and will continue to do great HIV work in Lesotho!"
Marwan Haddad , MD
Lesotho Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"This has been the most incredible experience of my life. The people are very friendly, the clinic staff is very dedicated and eager to learn, and the support from the ICEHA/Family Health International team is great. The patients are very sick with advanced disease-the clinic just registered their 500th patient and it has been open for only 3 months! The contribution of ICEHA volunteers here is greatly needed. Our knowledge and experience as HIV providers is invaluable and much appreciated."
Vincent Jarvis, MD
Vietnam Clinical Mentor Volunteer