For Funders

ICEHA’s Clinical Mentoring Program Rapidly Improves Access to
HIV Care for Millions in Developing Countries
The Problem: The Lack of Adequate Healthcare Systems and Lack of Practical Clinical Expertise is Advancing the HIV Epidemic in Developing Countries
Although many developing countries are now providing didactic, theoretical training on HIV treatment and prevention to local healthcare workers, didactic training alone is not enough to give healthcare workers the confidence or competence to deliver adequate HIV care. T he lack of practical clinical expertise in HIV care and basic operational systems are some of the largest impediments to the scale up of HIV care and AIDS treatment in developing countries. An August 2006 World Health Organization (WHO) study cites that the world is experiencing a chronic shortage of well-trained health workers in countries that are most at risk of public health threats, estimating that about 4 million additional healthcare workers are needed worldwide to fight HIV/AIDS. Urgency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness are vitally important aspects of any solution.
ICEHA’s Contribution: Innovative Clinical Mentoring Programs Link the Abundance of Clinical HIV Expertise in the West with Clinics in Developing Countries
In order for didactic knowledge to be translated into clinical expertise, skill transfer through on-site coaching in a structured setting is needed. ICEHA clinical mentors rapidly give their colleagues in developing countries the practical expertise needed to provide the best HIV care possible within existing resource limitations. Clinical mentors are experienced HIV healthcare providers from around the world who are carefully screened and prepared by ICEHA.
High Impact, High Leverage, Immediate Results
As of March 1, 2007:
- Current and previous program locations include Burundi, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Nepal, Rwanda, The Seychelles, South Africa, South Pacific Islands, and Vietnam.
- ICEHA clinical mentors have completed over 4,500 days of clinical mentoring
- Within 4-5 months of clinical mentoring, a clinic typically increases its patient flow from 0 to 1,200 patients, with care being provided by local healthcare workers.
- ICEHA's network of volunteer clinical mentors consists of over 500 healthcare professionals and is growing at the rate of 20 new qualified applicants / month sourced from 10 countries.
- 25% of clinical mentors return for a second assignment within 12-18 months of their first assignment.
- One-on-one clinical mentoring has been provided to over 600 local health workers.
How is this achieved?
ICEHA’s innovative funding model catalyzes Western funding to unleash vast amounts of aid already available in developing countries. Recruitment and preparation costs in the West are funded through Western funding sources; program costs within developing countries are funded through local, in-country sources; and volunteer clinical mentors contribute 6 to 12 weeks of their time on a pro bono basis. For every $1,900 of funding provided by Western funders, developing countries typically contribute $5,000 in cash to cover program implementation in their respective countries, which in turn catalyzes $12,000 to $30,000 per volunteer per assignment in in-kind services.
Support the Work of ICEHA
Additional financial support makes expansion of these high-impact programs possible. Funding is allocated towards the expansion of ICEHA’s volunteer network, in-country program support, and operational support. Please contact Dr. Marie Charles, Chair and CEO, at to discuss your interest or donate online.