For Volunteers

Becoming a Clinical Mentor Volunteer
"I recently went back to visit the clinics I mentored in Lesotho. Patients were chasing me down in the streets, coming to my door and approaching me at church to show me how well they were doing. I didn't recognize most of them except for their eyes because their bodies had regenerated into another (healthier) form! When I was there as a mentor at the start of treatment, most of what I saw was tragic. I was so blessed to go back and be able to see the positive results of all the work."
Julie Ahlrich, BSN, MSN, FNP
Clinical Mentor, Vietnam (2005), Lesotho (2006)
What Julie saw in her return visit is what is happening in all of the sites where ICEHA clinical mentor volunteers have worked: the massive impact that an individual mentor can have in as short as 6 weeks lasts long after they leave and helps create a sustainable system where local health workers can provide quality HIV care to thousands of patients in need.
You can experience this impact first hand by becoming a clinical mentor volunteer with ICEHA. ICEHA is recruiting experienced healthcare professionals able to spend 6+ weeks providing hands-on coaching on HIV care and infectious diseases to colleagues in developing countries. Positions are available for a variety of health professionals including: doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, lab technicians, social workers, and health educators.
Responsibilities of Clinical Mentor Volunteers:
Clinical mentors do not provide direct patient care. Instead, they give local colleagues the practical skills needed to provide the best HIV care possible within the resources available. Responsibilities include:
- Bedside coaching for doctors and nurses on HIV/AIDS care
- Regular informal seminars on topics related to HIV/AIDS care
- Clinical assistance to local clinicians during rounds and patient consultants
- Training nurses, nurse assistants, counselors, pharmacists, and other local healthcare workers on a variety of topics related to HIV/AIDS, including HIV prevention, treatment monitoring, counseling, adherence, case management, clinic flow, improving access to services, service integration, stock management, and dispensing procedures
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long do ICEHA Clinical Mentor Volunteers deploy for per assignment?
A typical deployment lasts 6 - 12 weeks.
Are my expenses paid for while I am on assignment?
Yes, your plane ticket and local living expenses (hotel, accommodation, and transportation) will be covered while you are on assignment with ICEHA.
How much HIV experience do I need to be an ICEHA clinical mentor volunteer?
ICEHA reviews each application that we receive on an individual basis, so if you have questions about your experience, please email us at . As a general rule, you should have a minimum of 3 years direct care HIV experience prior to going on assignment with ICEHA.
What is the application process?
If you are an HIV doctor, nurse, or pharmacist, please fill out our medical application by clicking here. Social workers and health educators should fill out the non-medical application available here. In addition to your application, you will be asked to submit a CV and three letters of reference to us.
Once ICEHA has reviewed your application, you will be invited to attend our next preparatory workshop. For information on when and where the next workshop will be held, click here.
When the above steps have been successfully completed, we will have a discussion with you about your skill set, availability, and country preference and then will match you to one of our programs in a developing country.
Which HIV curriculum does ICEHA use?
ICEHA does not use a Western HIV curriculum. Instead, we work within the National HIV Guidelines that each country has developed based on the resources and medications available in their country. Before going on assignment, we will provide you with these guidelines to study so you are prepared to conduct your mentoring within the local context.
Which countries could I be deployed to?
ICEHA expands continuously and the most up to date list of active programs is available here. However, new countries are added regularly, so please check in with us often!
Can I volunteer if I do not speak the native language of the country?
Yes, if you do not speak the native language, a translator will be provided to you.
What is ICEHA's funding model?
ICEHA uses a co-investment model whereby Western costs related to recruitment, screening, and preparation are covered by western supporters while in-country deployment costs are covered through funding sources inside each developing country. It truly is the perfect public-private partnership, giving ownership to all involved.
Do you accept non-HIV health providers as clinical mentor volunteers?
ICEHA is expanding our non-HIV network. If you are a healthcare provider with expertise in a field other than HIV and are interested in volunteering with ICEHA, please send your CV to us at .
Do you need operational volunteers?
Yes, if you would be interested in assisting with ICEHA's operations in New York or London, please email Katie Graves-Abe, Director of Operations at .