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ICEHA's Programs

Vietnam Clinical Mentoring Program
Vietnam Capacity Building Program
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Clinical Mentoring in HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment

Local Partner Organization
The Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative
Rwanda Treatment and Research AIDS Center

Program Overview
This program supports the Government of Rwanda’s efforts to train health care workers in HIV management, including adult and pediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART). In Rwanda, the lack of human resources is one of the greatest constraints to rapid scale up of the HIV/AIDS care and treatment program, particularly for pediatric HIV/AIDS care and treatment.

Local healthcare workers are currently receiving theoretical trainings in HIV care and treatment. However, practical on-site coaching is an essential component if didactic knowledge is to be translated into clinical skills. ICEHA clinical mentor teams will be placed at District Hospitals and Health Centers throughout the country to provide this hands-on coaching, including recognition of HIV positive patients, opportunistic infections, management of ART, and psychosocial issues.


  • ICEHA's first clinical mentors will arrive in Summer 2006.

Clinical Mentor Volunteer Needed

  • Clinical mentors are needed throughout 2006 and 2007.
  • Adult and pediatric HIV specialists (MDs RNs, NPs, PAs) are needed.
  • The minimum time commitment for clinical mentors is 6 weeks. Expenses are paid and a stipend is also available for people who are available for 3+ months.
  • To apply, visit the "Volunteers" section of our website.