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Medical and Non-Medical Individuals can Improve Healthcare for AIDS Patients Worldwide:
There is a simple and cost-effective way to curb the spread of HIV, treat those infected with AIDS, and greatly mitigate the effects of this disease. Every day, 8,000 people still die of AIDS and 16,000 people become newly infected with the disease. HOWEVER, the creation of strong local healthcare systems with properly trained physicians and nurses can make a huge difference in fighting the HIV epidemic. Strong healthcare systems result in both prevention of HIV transmission as well as in treatment for those already infected.
As a recent report by Treat Asia (amfAR) showed, the lack of trained healthcare professionals is a huge problem in the developing world. The report highlighted that until recently, Vietnam, a country of 80 million people and home to the fastest growing HIV epidemic in SE Asia, had only 20 physicians trained for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. ICEHA’s program in Vietnam will have trained an additional 400 physicians on HIV care and prevention by the end of 2004, thereby greatly increasing the capacity of the healthcare system to respond to the epidemic.
ICEHA is a network of volunteer US physicians and nurses who teach their counterparts in developing countries what HIV/AIDS is all about. We believe that healthcare providers in developing countries can be empowered and knowledgeable so that they themselves can take care of their patients and spread prevention messages without needing to rely on international assistance indefinitely.
Even if you are NOT a medical professional yourself, if you want to help provide better treatment to those who are already infected with HIV and prevent the further spread of the epidemic, you too can invest in strong local healthcare systems by becoming a member of The International Center for Equal Healthcare Access (ICEHA).
ICEHA’s programs are specifically designed so that relatively small investments result in a massive impact on healthcare systems in developing countries. Four ICEHA volunteers (two doctors, two nurses) working for three months each in one setting are able to rapidly build up the clinical skills of 50 local healthcare providers in a lasting way.
Every local healthcare worker that is trained by ICEHA is able to:
- Provide care to 250 HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral treatment per year.
- Reach an additional 5000 people per year with prevention messages. This is a very important aspect that does not happen unless the healthcare worker is trained in HIV/AIDS
This means that sending just four volunteers can result in:
- Increased capacity for HIV treatment and care for 12,500 – 15,000 patients.
- Spreading of HIV prevention messages to 250,000 people per year.
- The total cost to send 4 volunteers is $127,000, of which only $24,000 is needed in cash funding.
A large portion of ICEHA’s donations come in the form of time and medical expertise from volunteers. However, even if you do not have the time or expertise to volunteer, you can have a huge impact on the quality of healthcare provided in developing countries by becoming a member of ICEHA.
Your financial donation enables us to:
- continue to expand our network of medical volunteers
- cover basic expenses involved with sending volunteers to developing countries for up to three months
- expand into the many countries that request our assistance with increased urgency as they now have the funds to buy the medications, yet are lacking trained doctors and nurses
- ensure coordination between our volunteers and our partners in developing countries
Well-Wisher: $50
Supporter: $250
Friend: $500
The Well-Wisher, Supporter, and Friend categories are right for you if you strongly believe in our mission, you greatly want us to succeed, you think that what our volunteers are doing is FANTASTIC, and you can contribute financially according to your budget.
Ally: $1,500
Partner: $5,000
The Ally and Partner categories are for those of you who believe all of the above AND would like the opportunity to spread the word on what can be done to fight the epidemic by having ICEHA’s president, Dr. Marie Charles, give a lecture on the status of the Global HIV pandemic to your organization or society.
Benefactor: $10,000 +
The Benefactor category is for those of you who believe all of the above AND would also enjoy being personally in touch with the settings that can finally treat HIV-infected patients thanks to your financial contribution by being invited to accompany Dr. Marie Charles on a field visit.
BENEFITS of membership:
All members will receive ICEHA’s periodic newsletter as well as regular updates on ICEHA’s program activities and reports from volunteers at ICEHA program sites around the world.
Ally and Partner members will be given the opportunity to have ICEHA’s President, Dr. Marie Charles, give a lecture on the global HIV pandemic to their organization or society.
Benefactor members will be invited to accompany Dr. Charles on a trip to one of ICEHA’s programs to experience first hand the impact of their contribution on healthcare in developing countries.
All donations are tax deductible. ICEHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
There are two ways to become a member of ICEHA:
Online: To submit your membership dues online, please visit our online donation center by clicking here.
Check: To submit your membership dues via mail, please fill out and print the following form and mail it along with your payment check to:
101 West 23rd Street, Suite 179
New York, NY 10011