ICEHA in the News

ICEHA Regional Initiative: HIV/AIDS practitioners from Sub-Saharan Africa share their HIV treatment expertise with colleagues in the region
New York, NY – November 16, 2006 – While prices of antiretroviral drugs (ARV) have been lowered, the expansion of large-scale treatment and prevention programs has been severely impeded by the lack of clinical expertise and operational systems required for HIV delivery. The International Center for Equal Healthcare Access (ICEHA) has launched a new initiative developed to increase the capabilities of healthcare systems in Sub-Saharan Africa responds to the devastating impacts of HIV.
ICEHA mobilizes the wealth of expertise amongst healthcare professionals already living in the region to guide their colleagues and help equip them with the necessary practical skills and operational systems so that they too can deliver the best care possible within the existing resource limitations. Indeed, they are amongst those most suitable to transfer their practical skills in HIV/AIDS care to their colleagues.
ICEHA recruits, screens, and prepares the selected volunteer clinical mentors prior to deployment and provides ongoing quality control and support during field assignments. While expenses are paid, ICEHA clinical mentors typically donate between 6 – 12 weeks of their time to provide on-site coaching in clinics in the public sector. In order to ensure effectiveness and optimal program implementation, ICEHA works by invitation of a government or a local non governmental organization (NGO) only.
The ICEHA Regional Initiative engages clinical mentors living in Sub-Saharan Africa who are healthcare professionals with extensive experience treating HIV-infected patients (including those on antiretroviral therapy) and have the passion and dedication to share that knowledge with their colleagues in areas where ARVs are only now being introduced. Most professionals typically take an approved short-term leave of absence from their current jobs to which they return upon completion of their ICEHA clinical mentoring assignment.
ICEHA does not offer long-term job placement and it is our policy to collaborate with organizations and employers so that qualified health professionals are able to contribute to scaling-up health systems in the region then return to continue their work at home.
In each country where we work, ICEHA’s endeavors have lead directly to significant increases in the number of patients in HIV care and on AIDS treatment as well as to a significant improvement in overall care provided.
To find our more information or to apply to volunteer for assignments starting in 2007 visit or contact
About The International Center for Equal Healthcare Access
The International Center for Equal Healthcare Access (ICEHA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated since 2001 in New Jersey and a registered charity in the UK. ICEHA engages experienced healthcare professionals to rapidly transfer their expertise on HIV care and infectious diseases to colleagues in developing countries, using an innovative method of clinical mentoring. ICEHA’s clinical mentors coach their local colleagues, giving them the practical skills needed to provide the best HIV care possible. As a result of the dedication by ICEHA’s clinical mentors, thousands of patients are receiving HIV care when none existed before; care delivered by their own healthcare providers, within existing resource limitations.