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Testimonials about ICEHA

Testimonials about ICEHA

“This is an innovative, very effective model… not only is it cost-effective, it is the right model to have the maximum impact on a country.”
William Haseltine, PhD
President, Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts

“Dr. Marie Charles and ICEHA have found the point of leverage where a small investment will have a huge impact on the world’s AIDS crisis. By introducing Western expertise on a human, person-to-person basis, ICEHA is doing what matters most, namely enabling local healthcare professionals to be in charge of their own patients, a powerful and sustainable solution for generations to come.”
William Drayton
Chair and CEO of Ashoka Foundation, the association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs

"I cannot tell you how many Vietnamese lives ICEHA volunteers have saved. We are so grateful for the clinical mentors you have sent to Vietnam."
Peter Vu Ngoc Son, MD, MPHM
Program Officer, Care and Treatment
Family Health International (FHI), Vietnam

"I recently went back to visit the clinics I mentored in Lesotho. Patients were chasing me down in the streets, coming to my door and approaching me at church to show me how well they were doing. I didn't recognize most of them except for their eyes because their bodies had regenerated into another (healthier) form! When I was there as a mentor at the start of treatment, most of what I saw was tragic. I was so blessed to go back and be able to see the positive results of all the work."
Julie Ahlrich, BSN, MSN, FNP
Clinical Mentor, Lesotho

"I am so glad you came. If you had not, I would have just continued to make the same mistakes that I have been making- without anyone to teach me."
Nurse in Mohales Hoak, Lesotho
Comment made to ICEHA Clinical Mentor Robin Bohanan, BSN

“ICEHA’s training program taught us – infectious diseases doctors - not to be afraid any longer of our HIV-infected patients! You have given us the tools that we can apply to our clinics tomorrow, even if we may not yet have the antiretroviral medication available.”
Nguyen Van Ngoc, M.D.
Vice Director, Hoa Binh Provincial Hospital, Vietnam

“I appreciate ICEHA so much!”
Mean Chhi Vun, M.D.
Director, National Center for HIV, Dermatology and STDs, Cambodia
Deputy Secretary General of Health, Cambodia

“The assistance and clinical coaching by volunteer experts is exactly what Cambodia needs in its referral hospitals at the time when the Ministry of Health is trying to make antiretroviral medication available to its HIV-infected population.”
Chawalit Natpratan, M.D.
Director, Family Health International (FHI) – Cambodia

“ICEHA is unique!”
Peter Taback, Ph.D.
Director of communications, American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)

“Just wanted to let you know that you sent us jewels of volunteers!”
Tom Heller, M.D., M.P.H.
Centers for Disease Control – Cambodia Mission

"On behalf of the PHD staff and the people of Banteay Meanchey province, I want to express our profound thanks for the honorable work and effort you devoted to our inpatients and the useful experience you shared with our doctors and nurses during your mission in this province. The staff and the people of Banteay Meanchey, especially the patients, would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you."
Dr. Witchook
Administrator at Monkol Borei Hospital, Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia
(Letter to Dr. Richard Kauffman, an ICEHA volunteer)

"Things are going exceptionally well at the clinic in Vietnam and I am ecstatic about being here at the ground level and helping put things together."
Steve Klotz, MD
Vietnam Clinical Mentor Volunteer

"Volunteering with ICEHA in Lesotho is one of the best things I have ever done- the only way that the people of the world will ever live in peace is if we meet each other as individuals. It is too easy to hate or fear what you do not know and understand. There is so much need- what I did was just a tiny drop of water in the ocean. If we all contribute a few drops, perhaps we can begin a stream that will grow into a river of hope for those with HIV in this world."
Maureen Famiglietti, RN
Lesotho Clinical Mentor

"This trip to Ethiopia has been a moving experience for me. I never thought that I would be so inspired by these people. It was easy to work with the local providers because they were very intelligent and eager to learn about HIV care. They were not afraid to ask for our help. They saw us as colleagues, not as people who wanted to impose our Western beliefs on them. They have touched my heart."
Carmel Hippias, CPNP
Ethiopia Clinical Mentor Volunteer

"I would like to express my gratitude to ICEHA for its consistent communication and support throughout the entire volunteer application process, from the moment I first enquired about volunteering to these last hectic days before I depart for my volunteer assignment in Cambodia. I have worked as a consultant for several organizations, but working with ICEHA has been the most positive experience I have had."
Brianne Fitzgerald, RN, MPH
Cambodia Clinical Mentor Volunteer